In my last post I mentioned I hadn't taken any photos of the kids since probably Christmas. The last few days we had unseasonably warm temperatures so of course we took advantage of it by playing outside.
No, Daddy did not bend the top of the swing set. It's the result of last year's tree limb falling on top during the ice storm.
Hey, who needs a fancy basketball hoop when you have an empty cat litter bucket and a ball!!
The last week or so Emily has been asking to clean the house. What!?!?! Far be it from me to deny her this pleasure. What she really wants to do is squirt the glass cleaner. So I gave her the bottle and several towels (she sprays the cleaner pretty generously) and showed her what she could clean with it (no wood). Of course, she gets a few coins for helping out so that's a big incentive. Brother was curious about this activity so I gave him a dry cloth to join in the fun. Here's a photo of them each on one side of the hall door. Do you think they will continue their excitement about cleaning for the next 15 years or so??
Daddy worked on some home projects this past weekend (one of them trying to de-squeak a very old, squeaky wood floor). He had two very eager helpers! Doesn't everyone wear high heels when working about the house? Ha!
Daddy getting hit on the back with the tape measure.
Benjamin does look like a big boy in that one picture.
They are both so cute, thanks for the updated pictures.
I hope February is so much better for your family.
Take care.
Ha ha on the cat litter!! I love the pics...Daddy bending the swing set (too many cookies LOL) So happy you have had good weather and have been WELL!!!
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