Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Few Really Big Milestones

Emily has officially, FINALLY, given up her binky (aka pacifier). I'm a little ashamed to admit that my nearly 4 year old still used one when she slept. But it was like it was a part of her. She came to me with the clothes on her back and pacifier around her neck and that was it. So I felt like the binky was the one thing that helped comfort her during that difficult transition in her little life. However, over the last few months she voluntarily gave away or threw away a few of her binkies (yes, she had a collection that she carried in an eyeglasses case). But she did this knowing she always had one more safe in her room. Well, Labor Day weekend binky went missing. I mean truly missing, not that Mommy or Daddy quietly slipped in her room and took it. So she had a few sort of rough nights without it. Then about a week later I was putting her to bed and glanced in the corner and saw binky staring out at me from under some of her stuffed animals! Emily had made such great progress up to that point, I REALLY hoped she didn't spot it. She didn't and after she fell asleep, Mommy (aka Binky Fairy) came and quietly took it away. There has been no mention of binky since those first few nights without it. For that, I am grateful!

Second big baby girl is getting glasses. She had an eye appointment yesterday and it was discovered that she can't see all that well. Who knew??? So, we will go Friday to pick them up and have them fitted. And yes, there will definitely be photos. Daddy took her to the appointment and was there when she picked them out. All I know is that they are "purply-pink"--Daddy's words--and Emily calls them Barbie glasses although I think they are Cinderella. So I'm not sure what to expect but as long as she likes them and WEARS THEM, I don't care.

More later...


Stacie said... more binky. Way to go on that.

Glasses, wow. at least she'll be fashionable with her purple/pink cinderella frames. :)

Michelle said...

Big milestones--I bet she will look adorable with glasses:) Our oldest daughter needed glasses--I said the same thing--who knew but the school discovered it.

LaLa said...

Yay on the binky : ) Annslee still sucks those two fingers and no throwing them away so who knows how long it will last.

I bet she will be so stylin in her new glasses~ glad it was caught so early