Monday, September 28, 2009

Benjamin is Two!

Yes, I still have snowmen as my background. Yes, it's been four months since I last posted. Going back to work has put a definite cramp in my internet time! A quick recap since my last post...

Traveled to New Zealand in July to visit Jeff's family and to celebrate his 50th birthday. It was at Jeff's birthday party there that I realized there are several family and friends in NZ who actually do read our blog so I promised I would do a better job keeping it updated (sorry it's taken me so long to get to it, though)!
One week after getting back from NZ, I started back to work full time. I'm working at the office in an 8th grade building and I love it! It's taken a bit of getting used to our new routine and schedule but we are all settling into it now.

This past weekend we celebrated our baby boy's second birthday. My dad and his wife came and spent a few days with us and my sister, Brenda, and her kids joined us on Sunday for Benjamin's party. Friday, Benji's daycare had a little celebration for him during afternoon snack time. Then Sunday afternoon we had lunch and cake at a local park where the weather was summer like. I think Benjamin had a great time and one of his favorite presents was his Thomas the Train engine and some train track from Papa and Billie. Above are some highlights...